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Personal Injury Lawyer Midtown Manhattan, NY

How long do you have to file a personal injury claim in New York

In New York, as with many states, there’s a limited timeframe during which an individual can file a lawsuit seeking compensation for injuries sustained due to another’s negligence. This timeframe is known as the “statute of limitations.” The statute of limitations for personal injury claims in New York is generally three years from the date of the injury. This means that if you’re injured on January 1, 2020, you typically have until January 1, 2023, to initiate a lawsuit.

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However, there are certain exceptions and nuances:

  • Medical Malpractice:The statute of limitations for medical malpractice cases is two and a half years from the date of the malpractice or from the end of continuous treatment rendered by the party or entity you intend to sue.
  • Wrongful Death:For wrongful death claims, the timeframe is two years from the date of the deceased person’s death.
  • Claims Against Government Entities:If you’re filing a claim against a city, county, or state government entity, the rules differ. Generally, you have 90 days to file a formal claim and then one year and 90 days to file a lawsuit.
  • Injuries to Minors:For injuries to a child, the statute of limitations does not begin to run until the child turns 18. However, there are certain exceptions, especially in medical malpractice cases.

Given the complexity and nuances in the law, it’s critical to consult an attorney immediately after an injury to ensure your rights are preserved.

How The Eskesen Law Firm Can Help You File a Claim

The Eskesen Law Firm is well-versed in New York’s personal injury laws and understands the intricacies of the statute of limitations. Here’s how they can assist:

  • Evaluation and Consultation:They can offer a comprehensive evaluation of your case to determine its viability and advise on the best course of action.
  • Documentation:Proper documentation is vital. The Eskesen Law Firm can guide you in gathering all necessary evidence, medical reports, and witness testimonies to strengthen your claim.
  • Negotiations:Many personal injury claims are settled outside of court. With their extensive experience, they can effectively negotiate with insurance companies or opposing counsel to ensure you receive fair compensation.
  • Representation in Court:If negotiations do not yield a satisfactory result, The Eskesen Law Firm is prepared to take your case to trial and advocate fiercely on your behalf.

The statute of limitations is a crucial factor in any personal injury case. The Eskesen Law Firm’s expertise ensures that your claim is filed timely and that your rights are protected throughout the legal process. If you’ve suffered an injury in New York, it’s paramount to seek legal representation as soon as possible.

How long does it take to settle a personal injury case in NYC

Settling a personal injury case in New York City (or anywhere, for that matter) can vary greatly in terms of time. Multiple factors influence the duration it takes from the time of the injury until a settlement is reached. Here’s a breakdown of the process and the influencing factors:

  • Initial Treatment and Recovery:Before considering settlement, your primary concern is medical treatment and recovery. The duration of this phase can vary, depending on the severity of the injury. It’s often recommended to reach a point of “maximum medical improvement” before settling, so you fully understand the implications of your injuries and potential future medical needs.
  • Gathering Evidence:Collecting medical records, witness statements, police reports, and any other pertinent evidence can take several weeks or even months.
  • Filing the Claim:Once you or your attorney has all the necessary information, the claim can be filed against the at-fault party’s insurance. The insurance company typically responds in a few weeks, but this can vary.
  • Negotiation:This phase can be short-lived or extended, based on the complexity of the case, the clarity of fault, and the willingness of both parties to compromise. Some cases settle in a matter of weeks; others might take months or longer, especially if there’s a dispute over liability or damages.
  • Litigation:If negotiations break down and a lawsuit is filed, the timeline extends significantly. The pre-trial process, including discovery, depositions, and potential motions, can last for many months or even years. The trial itself can add additional time, not to mention potential appeals.

Factors Affecting Settlement Time

  • Complexity of the Case:More complex cases, like those involving multiple parties or severe injuries, typically take longer to resolve.
  • Severity of Injury:As mentioned earlier, it’s often best to wait until you’ve reached a stable point in your recovery to understand future medical costs and lost income.
  • Disputed Liability: If the at-fault party disputes their liability, it can lead to extended negotiations and possibly a trial.
  • Insurance Company Practices:Some insurance companies are known to prolong the settlement process, hoping claimants will get impatient and settle for less.
  • Legal Representation:Having an experienced attorney can sometimes expedite the process because they know how to navigate the system efficiently and how to negotiate effectively. However, a good attorney will also advise patience if it’s in the client’s best interest to wait for a more favorable settlement or trial outcome.

While some personal injury cases in NYC might settle within a matter of months, others can take several years to reach a conclusion, especially if they proceed to trial. It’s essential for injured parties to be prepared for a potentially lengthy process. The Eskesen Law Firm can help ensure that their rights are protected and they receive fair compensation for their injuries.

Personal Injury Infographic

How far back can you claim personal injury

The ability to claim for personal injuries depends on the legal principle called the “statute of limitations.” This statute dictates the time frame within which legal action must be initiated for various types of cases. If action isn’t taken within this time frame, the claim is typically barred, meaning it cannot be pursued in court. Here’s a more detailed look:

General Principle

The specific duration of the statute of limitations varies depending on the jurisdiction (country or state) and the nature of the claim. For personal injury cases, this period can range from one year to several years from the date of the injury or the date when the injury was first discovered.

Discovery Rule

In some situations, injuries or their consequences aren’t immediately apparent. Some jurisdictions have a “discovery rule,” which starts the clock on the statute of limitations when the injured person discovers (or reasonably should have discovered) the injury. This rule is often applied in medical malpractice cases where harm from a negligent act may not be immediately noticeable.

Injuries To Minors

Many jurisdictions toll (pause) the statute of limitations for minors, meaning the clock doesn’t start until the minor reaches the age of majority (usually 18). However, there are exceptions and specific rules for different types of claims, like medical malpractice.

Claims Against Government Entities

If you’re making a claim against a government entity, the time frame to initiate the claim is typically much shorter. In some places, you might only have a few months from the date of injury to file a notice of claim.

Extension Or Tolling

Apart from minors, some jurisdictions allow for the tolling of the statute of limitations in specific situations, such as when the injured person is mentally incompetent or if the defendant has left the jurisdiction.

Variability By Jurisdiction

The statute of limitations can differ significantly between jurisdictions. For instance, while one state may offer two years for personal injury claims, another might offer three or four years. Some countries might have even longer or shorter durations.

Why Timely Action Is Important

Delaying action can result in the loss of crucial evidence, fading memories of witnesses, or even the disappearance of key witnesses. Additionally, if you miss the statutory deadline, you will lose the right to seek legal recourse and compensation, regardless of the merit of your claim.

If you believe you have a personal injury claim, it’s essential to consult The Eskesen Law Firm. We can provide guidance specific to your jurisdiction, the nature of your injury, and any relevant exceptions or extensions to the standard statute of limitations.

Speak with one of our attorneys about your accident. Call us at 212-433-4500 to schedule a free initial consultation.


Types of personal Injury Claims in Midtown Manhattan, NY

Midtown Manhattan, with its bustling streets, skyscrapers, and countless businesses, is not just the heart of New York City but is also a hub for various activities that can sometimes result in personal injuries. While personal injury claims can be similar across different places, the unique environment of Midtown Manhattan brings its own set of common incidents. Here’s a look at some typical personal injury claims in this part of NYC:

  • Pedestrian Accidents:With busy streets like Broadway and 7th Avenue, and landmarks like Times Square, pedestrian accidents are unfortunately common. Whether caused by inattentive drivers, malfunctioning traffic signals, or other reasons, injured pedestrians might have claims against at-fault parties.
  • Car Accidents:The congestion in Midtown means that car accidents, including fender-benders, side-impacts, and more severe collisions, occur frequently.
  • Taxi and Rideshare Incidents:Given the high number of taxis and rideshare vehicles like Uber and Lyft operating in the area, accidents involving these services can result in personal injury claims.
  • Slip and Falls:Given the numerous businesses, restaurants, and stores in Midtown, slip and fall incidents due to wet floors, uneven pavements, or other hazards are prevalent.
  • Construction Accidents:Midtown Manhattan is continuously evolving, with new constructions and renovations. Construction sites can be hazardous, leading to injuries not just for workers but sometimes even passersby.
  • Bicycle Accidents:The increase in bicycle lanes and the popularity of services like Citi Bike has unfortunately also resulted in a rise in bicycle-related accidents, often involving motor vehicles.
  • Subway Accidents:With major subway stations like Grand Central Terminal and Penn Station, incidents involving subway trains, including slip and falls on platforms or injuries during boarding or alighting, can happen.
  • Product Liability:Purchases from stores or online vendors that turn out to be defective or dangerous can lead to injuries, leading to potential claims against manufacturers or sellers.
  • Medical Malpractice:Midtown Manhattan has several medical facilities and practitioners. Mistakes or negligence in medical care, leading to worsened conditions or new injuries, can give rise to medical malpractice claims.
  • Dog Bites:Even in a densely populated urban area like Midtown, dog bites can occur, whether from pets of residents or those of visitors.
  • Assault and Battery:Unfortunate as it is, altercations and physical attacks can happen anywhere, and victims might have claims not only against perpetrators but sometimes against property owners for inadequate security.

While this list provides an overview of typical personal injury claims in Midtown Manhattan, it’s essential to remember that every incident and claim is unique. If someone believes they have a potential claim, they should consult The Eskesen Law Firm who are familiar with New York laws and the specificities of Midtown Manhattan to get appropriate advice and representation.

Personal Injury Infographic

Types Of Personal Injury Claims Infographic

What Should I Do After an Accident in Midtown Manhattan, NY

Experiencing an accident in the hustle and bustle of Midtown Manhattan can be overwhelming. However, taking the right steps afterward can be crucial for your safety, well-being, and any potential legal actions you might pursue. Here’s a guideline on what you should consider doing after an accident in Midtown Manhattan:

    • Ensure Safety First:Move to a safe location if possible, especially if the accident occurred in a busy street or intersection to avoid further injuries. If it’s a vehicular accident and your car is operational, try moving it out of the flow of traffic.
    • Call 911:It’s essential to report the accident, especially if there are injuries or significant property damage. The NYPD will arrive, and if needed, an ambulance will be dispatched.
    • Seek Medical Attention:Even if injuries seem minor, it’s crucial to get checked by medical professionals. Some injuries, like whiplash or internal damage, might not be immediately apparent.
  • Document Everything:
    • Photos: Capture pictures of the accident scene, including damages to vehicles or property, injuries, traffic signals, and any other relevant factors.
    • Information Exchange: Get the names, contact details, and insurance information of all parties involved. If it’s a vehicular accident, note down license plate numbers.
    • Witnesses: If there are witnesses, take their contact details. They can be invaluable if there are disputes about what happened.
  • Avoid Admitting Fault:Even if you think you might have contributed to the accident, it’s essential not to admit fault at the scene. There could be factors you’re unaware of, and admitting fault can complicate potential legal actions.
  • Notify Your Insurance:Report the accident to your insurance company. They’ll provide guidance on the claims process and what further steps you need to take.
  • Be Wary of Early Settlement Offers:Insurance adjusters might contact you with a quick settlement offer. While it might seem tempting, it’s often a good idea to consult with an attorney before accepting, as these early offers can undervalue your claim.
  • Consult an Attorney:Especially in a place like Midtown Manhattan, where the legal landscape can be complex, consulting a local personal injury attorney can help guide you on your rights, potential claims, and the best course of action.
  • Keep Records:Maintain a file with all documents related to the accident, including medical bills, repair estimates, police reports, and any correspondence with insurance companies.
  • Stay Off Social Media:Avoid discussing the accident or posting photos on social media platforms. Anything shared can potentially be used against you during the claims process or any legal actions.
  • Follow Up:If you’ve sought medical attention, ensure you follow up on treatments, therapies, or consultations as recommended. Not only is this crucial for your health, but it also shows that you’ve taken the injury seriously.

Accidents, especially in the heart of a busy place like Midtown Manhattan, can be distressing. However, keeping a level head and following these guidelines can ensure your safety and protect your rights in the aftermath.

Navigating Personal Injury in Midtown Manhattan with The Eskesen Law Firm

In the vibrant and fast-paced environment of Midtown Manhattan, accidents can unfortunately occur. The aftermath can be daunting, filled with medical appointments, insurance negotiations, and potential legal complexities. Amidst this, having a dedicated ally like The Eskesen Law Firm becomes invaluable. With a deep understanding of New York’s legal landscape and a proven track record in personal injury cases, The Eskesen Law Firm offers expert guidance every step of the way. From evaluating the merits of your case to aggressive negotiation or representation in court, they are committed to ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve. In the intricate maze of Midtown Manhattan’s personal injury scenarios, The Eskesen Law Firm stands out as a beacon of support, experience, and advocacy.

Midtown Manhattan Personal Injury Lawyer

If you suffered injuries in an accident, consult a Midtown Manhattan, NY personal injury lawyer. You may be entitled to compensation. Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about personal injury lawyers.

Q1: What Is A Personal Injury Lawyer, And What Do They Do?

A personal injury lawyer is a legal professional who specializes in representing individuals who have suffered physical or psychological injuries due to the negligence or wrongful actions of another party. These attorneys handle cases that involve a broad range of accidents, including car accidents, slip and falls, medical malpractice, and more. Their primary goal is to help victims seek compensation for their injuries and losses.

Q2: When Should I Consider Hiring A Personal Injury Lawyer?

You should consider hiring a personal injury lawyer if you’ve been involved in an accident or incident resulting in injuries, and someone else may be at fault. Whether it’s a car crash, workplace injury, or a slip and fall, consulting with a personal injury lawyer is advisable to determine if you have a valid legal claim.

Q3: What Types Of Compensation Can A Personal Injury Lawyer Help Me Pursue?

Personal injury lawyers help clients pursue various types of compensation, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and in some cases, punitive damages. The specific compensation depends on the nature and severity of the injuries and the circumstances surrounding the incident.

Q4: How Do Personal Injury Lawyers Assess The Strength Of A Case?

Personal injury lawyers evaluate the strength of a case by examining factors such as liability, damages, and evidence. They investigate the details of the incident, collect medical records, interview witnesses, and consult with experts if needed. This thorough evaluation helps them determine the viability of a legal claim.

Q5: Do I Have To Go To Court If I Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer?

Not necessarily. Many personal injury cases are resolved through negotiations and settlements without going to court. However, if a fair settlement cannot be reached, your lawyer may advise taking the case to court to pursue the compensation you deserve. Your Midtown Manhattan personal injury lawyer will guide you through the best course of action based on the specifics of your case.

Q6: How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer?

Most personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. This means they only get paid if they successfully recover compensation for you. The standard contingency fee is a percentage of the settlement or court award, and this fee is agreed upon between you and your lawyer before they start working on your case.

Q7: How Long Does It Take To Resolve A Personal Injury Case?

The duration of a personal injury case varies depending on various factors, including the complexity of the case, the severity of the injuries, and whether a settlement is reached or it goes to trial. Some cases are resolved in a few months, while others may take a year or more.

If you want to file a personal injury claim, schedule a meeting with a Midtown Manhattan personal injury lawyer. At The Eskesen Law Firm, we want to help you get justice.

Schedule A Free Consultation

Contact our law firm to speak with an attorney at 212.433.4500 or email us.

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